Friday, July 17, 2009

PEAR Website News

PEAR has unveiled several new pages on its website!

1) Country page
This page has links to posts on PEAR's blog with information specific to each country. In addition there are links to PEAR's statements on each country and 3rd party reports deemed to be relevant to adoption.

2) News & Views from the Triad
This page opens up PEAR's "Blog of Blogs" it combines the content of more than 20 blogs from members of all parts of the triad. This takes about 30 seconds (an eternity!) to refresh when you hit the page each day. However, it gives you a good overview of the news of the day from triad members. The mix of blogs included may change from time to time. If you have dial-up, I would suggest you not access this page at this time.

3) Files
This is an archive of PEAR statements and actions

4) Directories
This lists all the Medical Providers included in PEAR's "Comprehensive Directory of International Adoption Medical Doctors". There are 130+ providers listed from 41 states who are knowledgeable about adoption, institutionalization, and/or prenatal substance use issues. You can find extensive detailed information about each practice by downloading the directory.

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~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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