Monday, July 13, 2009

PEAR Announces the Creation of Country Specific Blogs

As part of PEAR's effort to provide prospective and adoptive parents with the resources, information and support to make educated and informed decisions concerning adoption, we announce the creation of a our country specific blog program.

We are starting this program as a test to see how well the blog format works and whether it is consumer friendly. Our pilot blog will be focused on Nepal. The blogs will contain current information from US and Nepalese governmental sources, NGOs, media, adoption service providers, and adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. PEAR hopes to assist families in finding information and discover the root and truth behind rumors. We will also provide updated links to resources for both prospective and adoptive familes.

To make this blog work, we need your help! We invite PAPs and APs to participate by commenting on the posts and by writing to PEAR with information, questions, rumors, and constructive criticism on how we can improve the resource.

Please check out our new blog at:

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