Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Catalyst Foundation Status Report:

Child Care Centers in Vietnam 

This report summarizes the quality of the orphanage and adoption system in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.  Its intention is to broaden the current data on the children living in the orphanages. The system appears to be exploited because of certain inadequacies.
In October 2007, the U.S. State Department became concerned with irregularities in  Vietnamese adoptions. They submitted a report outlining their concerns that included: financial links between adoption agencies and orphanages, the high rate of “abandonment” at  orphanages, a high rate of relinquishments for payment, unusual patterns of “desertion”,  unlicensed Orphan Care Centers, falsified paperwork, and overall reports of corruption.   

That report resulted in the closing of adoptions for U.S. citizens.  In January of 2012, an independent team was composed to survey and provide a general yet  complete and unbiased overview and current situation of the orphanages in Vietnam.

The end goal of this report is to provide information to hopefully create a system that will  insure the best practices for adoption thereby ending the exploitative nature of the current  system.   

The Catalyst Foundation (CF) conducted the survey, which is a registered 501c(3) nongovernmental organization that works with communities in Vietnam to stop trafficking.

Link to Catalyst Foundation Report

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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