Friday, April 5, 2013

Announcing New Officers and Directors of PEAR

Parents for Ethical Adoption Reform, PEAR, welcomes a new President and four new members to its volunteer Board of Directors. Barbara McArtney, a founding member of PEAR and current Interim President, will become our new President. Joining PEAR as general directors are: Thaddeus Batt,  CTO and Managing Partner, SpireMedia, Inc.; Elizabeth Dahl, attorney; Holly Mulford, pediatric nurse practitioner and blogger on alternative care and intercountry adoption from the DRC; Brian Stuy, owner and founder of Research-China.

We are very pleased at the commitment these individuals are investing in PEAR. We all share a common goal of advancing PEAR’s mission into the future.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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