Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Supreme Court of Russia Letter of Guidance on Adoptions Pending 30 Day Appeal Period

The Supreme Court of Russia Letter of 1/22/13
Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court
January 22, 2013
No. 7-VS-224/13

To Chairmen of the Supreme Courts
of the subjects of the Federation,
City courts of Moscow and St. Petersburg,
Autonomous districts and autonomous oblast,
district (navy) courts

The judicial collegiums on administrative affairs and civil affairs have discussed the issue on the implementation by the courts of the Federal Law from February 28 2012, #272-FZ “On Measures for Persons who Violated the Human Rights and Liberties of the Citizen of Russia” that went into action from January 1, 2013. 

In connection with the above we give the following explanation.
The rights and obligations of the adoptee in the adoption cases start when the decision of the court enter into legal force, in accordance with point 3 of Article 125 of the Family Code of Russia and part 2 of Article 274 of the Russian Civil Procedure Code.
In accordance with these decisions of the courts that have been made before January 1, 2013 and have entered into legal force (including those who have entered into legal force after January 1, 2013), children should be given to their adopted parents.

V. I. Nechayev

(translated text as published by US Embassy, Moscow - Original Text in Russian available for download.

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