Tuesday, September 4, 2012

UPDATE: Additional Official Arrested In Kyrgyzstan Corruption Scandal: Gulnara Derbisheva

It has been reported that the arrest of Gulnara Derbisheva, former Deputy Minister of Social Development, took place on August 31, 2012. Ms. Derbisheva has been charged for allegedly accepting bribes in her  arranging the adoptions of Kyrgyzstani children.

Kyrgyz Adoptions Official Arrested For Bribery, Radio Free Europe September 3, 2012.http://www.rferl.org/content/kyrgyzstan-adoptions-official-bribery/24696219.html

Clause of international adoption in Kyrgyzstan favours traffic in children 24.kg News Agency– Nazgul Turdubekova http://eng.24.kg/community/2012/09/03/25489.html

US News media and the US government have yet to report or comment on the situation. While seven of the 65 pipeline cases were resolved prior to the recent scandal, we understand that the remaining cases have stalled*. We are also aware that additional families began the process of adopting Kyrgyzstani children this summer after hosting them in July via Nightlight Christian Adoptions**. As we reported earlier, this agency did not have accreditation to participate in adoption from the Kyrysztani government but claimed to be partnering with a US agency that held accreditation. Both US accredited agencies, Love Basket and Christian World Adoptions had their accreditation revoked in July. We believe that it is imperative that the US Department of State, Office of Children's Issues make a public statement confirming the situation in Kyrgyzstan before more families are lured into a program with a risk of corrupt practices and/or little chance of finalizing an adoption.

*And Then There Were Seven, Help Kyrgyz 65 Blog, July 24, 2012, http://www.helpkg65.com/
**Newport Coast family looks to adopt Kyrgyzstani orphan, Daily Pilot, by Britney Barnes August 31, 2012, http://articles.dailypilot.com/2012-08-31/news/tn-dpt-0901-lemonade-20120831_1_andrey-adoption-process-host-families

Edited 9/4/12 to correct error in spelling and add labels.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

1 comment:

  1. So what happens to the kids that were promised to the Orange County families for adoption and what legal recourse is there for the families to get back their deposits for adoption for these kids when the agency (Nightlight) knowingly took money for kids that they had to legal basis to offer up for adoption?


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