Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sri-Lanka: Media Updates and Information Concerning Orphanage Raid and Ban on Adoptions

Various media outlets are reporting on the recent raid of an orphanage in Sri Lanka and the subsequent arrest of a nun on suspicion of her involvement in child-trafficking for adoption. The orphanage involved is ‘Prem Nivesa’ at Rawatawatte, Moratuwa. According to the media sources, the Sri Lankan authorities have placed a ban on adoption of children from this orphanage pending the outcome of the investigation. The nun is reportedly scheduled to appear in court on December 15.

At this time, we are unable to directly confirm the ban with the Sri Lankan authorities and the US Department of State. Office of Children's Issues has published nothing concerning the ban or any impact it may have on pending adoptions to US families.

It is our hope that the Sri Lankan authorities will swiftly and thoroughly investigate the issue and make any changes deemed necessary to their child welfare and adoption system that may be needed to protect the best interests of the children.

Media reports:

BBC: Adoption Ban on Prem Nivasa Nov. 30, 2011

The Sunday Times: Vital to focus on the child, Prem Nivesa and the NCPA raid Dec. 04, 2011

The Sunday Leader: Missionaries of Mary do not deal with money...for God Provides Dec. 04, 2011

The Sunday Leader: A Baby Shop in Rawatawatte Nov 25, 2011

Sri Lankan Guardian: Rev Sr Eliza Released on Bail, Dec 02, 2011

US Agencies and other Foreign Bodies with Adoption Programs from Sri Lanka:

US: New Horizons Hague Accredited through COA

Canada: Cornerstone Adoptions in Ontario see:

Australia: Australian Central Authority-

Miscellaneous Information:

US Central Authority Information on Adoption from Sri Lanka:

Sri Lankan Central Authority:

We will update as information becomes available.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just thought your readers would like to get an update on this...

    The accused nun has been cleared of all charges.
    However, as of March 2012, the international adoption program in Sri Lanka is temporarily suspended. A commity is working on defining new procedures for ethical placement of children in foreign countries.

    My husband and I are waiting for the program to open again. We really want this to be done in an ethical manner.

    I have a blog, which I keep up-to-date, about our journey to adopt. Have a look if you're looking for more information:



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