Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Special Advisor for Children’s Issues to Visit Haiti this Week

DOS/OCI Press release
June 21, 2011

Special Advisor for Children’s Issues, Ambassador Susan Jacobs, will visit Haiti June 22 – 24 to discuss how the United States can support Haiti in its efforts to join the Hague Adoption Convention.

The visit to Haiti will mark the second round of meetings hosted by the Governments of France and Canada that began in Montreal in December 2010. The United States, together with other countries and international and non-governmental organizations, support Haiti’s efforts to initiate adoption reform consistent with the Hague Adoption Convention.

For more information about intercountry adoption, please visit: adoption.state.gov

For press inquiries please contact CAPRESSREQUESTS@state.gov or (202) 647-1488.

For updates on Special Advisor Susan Jacobs’ trip, follow her on twitter: http://twitter.com/childrensissues

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