Monday, September 13, 2010

MEDIA: Foreign Policy publishes Article by EJ Graff on Vietnam

A very important article was published today on Foreign Policy. This subject matter of this article and the manner in which it was handled by US and VN officials, as well as adoption agencies and organizations like the JCICS, addresses the need for federal legislation and oversight of adoption agencies assisting with intercountry adoptions. Until Congress is willing to take this seriously and deal with the misconduct of individuals involved in ICA, countries will continue to close, and the adoption triad will continue to be exploited.

Two years ago American adoptions from Vietnam ceased. In
“Anatomy of an Adoption Crisis” posted today on Foreign Policy, Schuster Institute Associate Director E.J. Graff analyzes hundreds of pages of internal U.S. State Department documents (received under Freedom of Information Act requests) discussing why the U.S. believed those adoptions had to end.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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