Thursday, August 26, 2010

MIGEPROF: Rwanda Temporary Suspension of New International Adoptions

From the Rwanda Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion

Temporary suspension of new international adoption from Rwanda

As a new signatory country of The Hague Convention on protection of children and cooperation in respect of inter-country adoption, concluded on 29 May 1993. Rwanda is in the process of putting in place the structures, mechanisms, tools and implementation plan.

For the reason of continuing protecting the Rwandan child’s best interests in adoption and at the same time combating possible abduction, sale and trafficking in children, the Government of Rwanda is temporally suspending all new applications for inter-country adoption as from 31 August 2010. Applications from prospective adoption parents already received and those that could reach the Ministry OR ANY RWANDAN EMBASSY before the above mentioned date will be taken care of as usual.

The person in charge of adoption will only respond inquiries through her e-mail address: or

For more information click the links below:

Letter to Embassy

Letter to Embassy

Note added by PEAR
This applies to new applications submitted after Aug 31, not to adoptions currently in process.


MIGEPROF updated it's announcement to include applications that are submitted to the Ministry OR ANY RWANDAN EMBASSY by the cut off date will be accepted.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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