Tuesday, July 20, 2010

DOS Requests Contact Information for Prospective Adoptive Parents

The US Department of State held a conference call today on adoptions from Nepal. Present were adoption service providers (ASPs) with programs in Nepal and various adoption advocacy groups, inlcuding PEAR. DOS is attempting to do everything it can to secure the integrity of adoptions from Nepal and as one improvement is looking to gather the contact information of all prospective adoptive parents so that they can directly contact them with updates, notices and other information concerning their adoptions. To that end, DOS has requested that ASPs provide the DOS with the following information:

Name(s) of Prospective Adoptive Parent(s)
Contact information (including e-mail address, telephone number and mailing address)
Name of Prospective Adoptive Child(ren) (if known)

PEAR highly encourages all prospective adoptive parents hoping to adopt from Nepal and all ASPs with Nepal programs to cooperate with the DOS in providing this information. Improved and open communication between all parties is crucial in making informed decisions. If you are a prospective adoptive parent in process of adopting from Nepal and your agency has not contacted you about this, you may send your information directly to the DOS Office of Children's Issues. The information should be sent to:

Ruth Lincoln
Adoption Division, Office of Children's Issues
Overseas Citizens Services
Bureau of Consular Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C.

Thelma McDonald
Intercountry Adoptions Unit Officer

NEA/SCA/Central Africa

Office of Children's Issues

U.S. Department of State

Washington, D.C.


Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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