Saturday, June 19, 2010

MEDIA: When Adopted Can't Adapt

PEAR originally posted the full text of this article on our blog June 19, 2010. On Tuesday, June 22, we received a take down demand from the author Katie Pickert. Although we believe that our posting was fair use as it was published as part of our educational series, Crisis in Adoption, we are respecting the wishes of Ms. Pickert and TIME and have removed the article.

The remains of the blog entry:

PEAR is posting this article in light of our series Crisis in Adoption. It is our hope that the current media attention will lead to better pre-adoption education and post adoption services and supports. We also sincerely hope that the attention being given to this issue will lead to improvements in the care given to traumatized children worldwide.

TIME Magazine
When Adopted Can't Adapt,9171,1997439,00.html

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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