Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PEAR Ethiopia Adoption Survey Extended to April 16, 2010

PEAR would like to extend our gratitude to the 100+ people who have completed PEAR’s survey to date.

This detailed survey is designed for US citizens who have adopted or are adopting from Ethiopia in order to pinpoint specific issues. Parents who have completed the process or those far along will naturally have more data and experience to share in categories such as contracts, pre-adoption training, birthfamily contact, referral process, experiences in Ethiopia and more.

PEAR intends to report results on our blog and to governmental authorities to recommend changes in the adoption process that will eliminate ethical concerns and protect the members of the adoption triad. PEAR’s intent is NOT to garner support for the closure of adoptions from Ethiopia.

The survey requires you to give PEAR your contact information which will not be published and will only be known to two Board members. Information will not be used for solicitation purposes. The survey is 20 to 30 minutes in length. Questions that do not have asterisks next to them can be skipped over by clicking on the arrow. If you would like to contribute to this survey but are short on time or are a prospective adoptive parent that is not very far along in the process, then we recommend completing the short 5 minute option available after the demographic information section. The short option has open-ended questions that allow you to contribute process changes and protections for both potential adopted children and adoptive parents.

The survey can be accessed at http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22ACQ3YKFXA

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to see this survey being done. Due to the corruption of the US agents in Eth we have been unable to adopt our son's brother for over 2 years now. The Eth bureaucrats wanted him to go to the US because they would get money for him. We have little hope that we will ever re-unite these little boys. If you would like to help go to Facebook Re-unite the brothers.


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