Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Adoptee Voice: Journee Bradshaw

The below poem was written by Journee Bradshaw. Journee was adopted from Ethiopia and is attempting to come to terms with the circumstances of her adoption.Her story was highlighted in the ABC Australia news story Fly Away Home

We are honored to reprint Journee's poem:

It is Everything ~ Journee Bradshaw

"Hold your head up", they say.
I walk with my head down.
How can I make my way in this world?
I don't want to be here.
They know the truth.
I am not an orphan,
I don't need a family.
I already have a family.
Everything I tried explaining to them
They didn't care and wouldn't listen.
You can't fight what another person says.
I walk away but I know I am not the only one feeling like this.
I miss my family,
I miss everything,
I miss Ethiopia.
For you it might be a third world country
But for me it's my home.
For you it might be a poor place
But for me it is everything.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.


  1. Thanks for posting this.Another victim of the adoption industry, another personal and painful story of trauma with the loss of two families,country and culture.When will it end?


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