Thursday, February 25, 2010

MEDIA: Kazakhstan - Senate passes ratification of convention on protection of children and foreign adoption

Parliament ratified convention on protection of children and foreign

Astana. February 25. Kazakhstan Today - The deputies of the Senate of Parliament of Kazakhstan at the plenary session today passed the Law on Ratification of Convention on Protection of Children and Foreign Adoption, the agency reports.

According to the conclusion of the Senate Committee for Welfare Development, "the convention establishes the requirements to foreign adoption, the fact of recognition and the consequence of such adoption, the principles of the work of the central bodies that deal with foreign adoption, possibility of granting powers to the authorized organizations. "

"The purpose of the convention is maintenance of guarantees that foreign adoption is carried out in the best interests of children and with observance of their fundamental rights."

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, there is a tendency of increase of cases of adoption of children by Kazakhstan citizens. The citizens of the Republic adopted 3 thousand 44 children, which is by 271 children more than in 2008. Foreign citizens in 2009 adopted 669 Kazakhstan children that is by 40 children fewer than in 2008.

Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption was signed in the Hague on May 29, 1993 and accepted based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Declaration on Social and Legal Principles.

According to the Minister of Education of Kazakhstan, Zhanseit Tuymebaev, joining the convention and its ratification will promote joining the efforts of Kazakhstan and other states in settlement of the questions of international adoption, legal protection of children during the process of foreign adoption.

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