Friday, February 19, 2010

Announcing Ethica's Ethiopia Transparency Survey

In the interest of advancing transparency in adoptions in Ethiopia, Ethica has invited all U.S. agencies with Ethiopia international adoption programs to provide information about their Ethiopia program by taking part in a brief survey. Agency responses will be posted and participating Adoption Service Providers will be acknowledged on Ethica's website. All agencies known by Ethica to have licensed Ethiopia programs have been notified about the survey.

Ethica's Ethiopia Transparency Survey may be found at:

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Ethica at

PEAR is encouraging all prospective and adoptive parents to request that their agencies participate in this survey. Like Ethica, we have had a very difficult time reconciling the vast difference in information from agency to agency concerning the adoption process and post adoption experiences of PAPs and APs. As a result, we have a difficult time offering guidance and support to those who contact us for assistance. We believe that participation in Ethica's survey will be a key piece in sorting out the truth and working together to ensure that Ethiopian adoption programs are transparent and ethical.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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