Thursday, January 14, 2010

US EMbassy Haiti Adoption Unit

Earlier today PEAR wrote to the US Embassy in Haiti requesting information on how prospective adoptive parents could best obtain information concerning the health and safety of the children referred to them for adoption. The following is the response from the US Embassy. It appears to be a form response, but contains useful information for waiting PAPs:

"Due to the recent earthquake, the U.S. Embassy in Port au Prince is focusing its efforts on assisting U.S. citizens affected by the crisis. We regret to inform you that all routine visa services have been temporarily suspended. However, the State Department continues to make adoptions a priority and will continue to work on adoption cases.

We are sure everyone is very concerned about their children. At this time we have no new information. The local phone lines are down, and we have no way of contacting the orphanages or Adoption Service Providers. Once communication lines are open, we will be contacting them to determine their status. There is a travel alert and travel warning for Haiti. Please visit: People outside of Haiti with information or inquiries about U.S. citizens in Haiti may reach the Haiti Task Force at 888-407-4747.

Thank you to everyone who has sent on their prayers and well wishes."

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