Thursday, January 14, 2010

PEAR releases FFOA statement

Link to FFOA comments updated May 14, 2010

PEAR has released its statement on the Families for Orphan Act legislation.

In July 2009, PEAR announced its opposition to HR 3070/S. 1458, the Families for Orphans Act, also known as FOA and FFOA. We outlined our concerns with the Act’s expansive definition of an orphan, its restrictive definition of permanent parental care, its ambiguous “concern” with cultural norms, and the Act’s underlying conflicts.

PEAR intends to engage in dialogue with all legislation writers. We postponed our expanded comments pending a meeting with the Families for Orphans Coalition. Due to both scheduling conflicts and the Coalition’s continued efforts to promote and lobby for this legislation, we are now releasing our complete comments.

It can be accessed at

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