Monday, January 18, 2010

DHS and USCIS Document Request for Pending Haitian Adoption Cases

January 18, 2009

Document Request for Pending Haitian Adoption Cases:

DHS’ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has set up a special e-mail box to receive scanned documentation on pending Haitian adoptee orphans. If you have already sent documentation to , it will be forwarded to USCIS on your behalf.

USCIS requests that all communications from prospective adoptive parents and adoption service providers should be formatted as follows:

  • Subject line: LAST NAME, First name of the adopting parent, and USCIS case number and NVC case number, if available
  • If you are adopting more than one child, please send separate e-mails for each child
  • Include the name, DOB, gender of the child, and the current location of the child in Haiti
  • Include any contact information for the child’s current whereabouts
  • Please include a recent photograph of the child
  • Attachments: please limit attachments to 10 megabytes per e-mail message. If necessary, split your communication into more than one message, and indicate in the subject line the total number of e-mails and the message number (i.e. “1 of 2”)

The following case documents may be useful to USCIS;

  • Full and final Haitian adoption decree
  • GOH Custody grant to prospective adoptive parents for emigration and adoption OR
  • Secondary evidence of either of the adoption or custody decree
  • Proof of travel by the prospective adoptive parents to Haiti to visit the child
  • Photos of the child and prospective adoptive parents together
  • ASP “Acceptance of Referral” letter signed by the prospective adoptive parents
  • IBESR approval
  • Legal relinquishment or award of custody to the Haitian orphanage
  • Secondary evidence of the above (e.g. e-mail correspondence, copies, ASP correspondence).

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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