Thursday, November 26, 2009

ISS Report on Adoption from Vietnam

In November 2009, the International Social Service (ISS) released its "Report on Adoption from Vietnam". The ISS is "an international non-governmental organisation that has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as with UNICEF and other intergovernmental bodies." ISS helps individuals, children and families confronted with social problems involving two, or more, countries as a consequence of international migration or displacement. The report was commissioned by the Department of Adoption of the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam and UNICEF Vietnam to assist the Vietnamese government in formulating an adoption system in compliance with the 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption.

The full report is very a detailed and thoughtful analysis of the issues facing adoption from Vietnam and includes recommendations for improvement. The report highlights issues that currently plague other adoption programs, therefore its principles and recommendations could well suit consideration by adoption service providers, governments, and adopting families involved in international adoptions. PEAR suggests that interested parties read the entire 68 page report in order to fully appreciate the findings and recommendations. The full report can be obtained by writing to PEAR at or by downloading a copy at:

The report has the following sections:

The adoption of Vietnamese children in context.

Main areas of concern in relation to alternative care in Viet Nam including separation of families, adoption and alternative care.

Main areas of concern in relation to adoption in Viet Nam, including determination of the need for adoption, prioritizing domestic adoption, matching, and decision-making.

Characteristics of Vietnamese children adopted abroad including age, disabilities, minorities, adopters’ expectations.

Impact of foreign actors in intercountry adoption practices including governments and central authorities of receiving countries in developing, coordinating and oversight of programs; adoption agencies accreditation, monitoring, influence over policies and influence of money; financial questions of costs, fees, humanitarian aid requirements.

Legislative issues

Main recommendations

Addenda include the intercountry adoption procedure for the non-identified child and the proposal for regulations on foreign adoption agencies in the republic of Viet Nam prepared by International Social Service.

Ethics, Transparency, Support
~ What All Adoptions Deserve.

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