Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Scandal Errupting in China

Research is reporting a new scandal errupting in China over the adoptions of children from the Guizhou Province. Please check the blog for Research China.

Below is a Google translated article concerning the situation as published in the Spanish news media:

About 80 babies in the province of Guizhou (southwestern China) were confiscated by authorities for family planning to parents who violated the one-child policy in the last eight years and given up for adoption to families from other countries, including Spain, announced today the independent press china.

The case, uncovered by the newspaper "Nanfang Dushibao" ( "Southern Metropolis News), affecting families in the district Zhenyu this province, one of the poorest in the country, and also to adoptive families in the U.S., Belgium and other European countries.

Apparently, girls are from families that violated the "one-child policy" and could not cope with the fine to be paid to have another rod (about $ 2900, equivalent to 2,000 euros).

The local family planning authorities falsified documentation to present to girls as orphans, and incorporated them into the system of international adoption by foreign families who came to it and charging fees of about $ 3000 (2,100 euros).

Suspicions arose when it was discovered a sharp increase in adoptions in the local orphanage between 2003 and 2005, falling back (when police launched a campaign against child trafficking at national level) and increased again in 2007.

Guangying Shi, one of the leaders of the seizure, said the newspaper "South China Morning Post" that the supply of orphan girls at the orphanage as it was despite not being a "politics of the district where the parents did not pay the fines."

Chinese rural families in general can only have a second child if the first is a girl, even if the law contains several exceptions and local amendments.

Spain is one of the largest Chinese children, especially girls, taken only after the U.S., although in recent years the increasing demands of China increased the processing time, reducing the number of adoptions.


According to the Research China blog, the following articles on this situation have been published in China:


Guangdong: (Original Article)



Hong Kong:

PEAR will be monitoring the situation and updating as necessary.

**Addition, Thursday, July 2, 2009 10 pm EST: The BBC is now covering this story as well;

Additional resources, Sunday, July 5, 2009 (use an online translator, such as Google translate to read these stories in your language): "Abandoned baby X --you can finally see light" published June 13, 2009
PEAR has created this tiny url for easier access to the article:

Network, Netherlands - "Weer adoptieschandaal in China"

People's Daily Online - English, "Orphanage investigated, officials punished over baby adoption scandal in SW China" July 4, 2009,

For further developments, please follow Research-China's blog, Beating of Butterfly's Wings:

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