Thursday, April 2, 2009

Update on Raided Hogars in Guatemala

Recently the DOS posted an update about the adoption cases from Casa Quivira and Semillas de Amor. A 3rd new location was mentioned: Asociacion Santa Lucia de la Flores Silvestres. This location may also be known as Hogar Santa Lucia de Las Flores Silvestres La Esperanza.

This hogar was raided in May 2008. It appears that 6 or 7 of the children taken were intended for adoption by US families. The DOS has only heard from 2 of those families.

According to PEAR's discussions with DOS, these children were moved to Hogar Remar. REMAR is located at:
Calzada Atanasio Tzul 23-41, Zona 12
Guatemala City
Ph: 2429-0400/ 5205-7823

If you believe that a child referred to you may have been at Asociacion Santa Lucia de la Flores Silvestres, and you have not yet contacted DOS, PEAR suggests you do so. You may contact DOS at

As always, you may contact PEAR at

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