Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Announcing Ethica's Webinars for Prospective Adoptive Parents

Ethica is pleased to offer its first webinar series for prospective adoptive families as they begin to pursue the adoption process. Please join us as we explore issues surrounding adoption fraud, how to choose an agency, and the implications of adopting from a "Hague" country. Note that *space is limited* so please register early. Thank you!

*Webinar** 1: February 25th, 7-8:30PM EST*
*"Adoption Fraud 101: What to look out for in your international adoption

Many adoptive families rely on testimonials from other adoptive families as well as information from their adoption agency to prepare for the adoption process. However what many families are unaware of are the uncertainties that can come with their adoptions; policy changes by both sending and receiving countries, as well as unethical and sometimes illegal practices leading to adoption fraud. Ethica has assisted hundreds of families who were unable or barely able to complete their adoptions as a result of crises that could have either been avoided or handled to meet the best interests of the child involved. This workshop will guide families through what to look for in their contracts (gag clauses, refunds), what are reasonable requests from your agency (fee changes, foster care, etc.), and examples of adoption fraud that have led to indictments and lawsuits. Attendees will be better able to advocate for themselves to their agencies as well as to state and federal
authorities. Register Here

*Webinar** 2: March 18, 7-8:30PM EST*
*"From Good Samaritans to Convicts - How to Choose an Ethical International
Adoption Agency"*

The most common request Ethica receives is, "how can families choose an ethical adoption agency?" Families are increasingly aware of adoptions being in limbo, stretching out for years, or not being completed at all due to unethical agency practices. This workshop will cover the basics on what to look for in an agency, what best practices are used and recognized within the adoption service provider community, as well as where the most common concerns are regarding establishing a child's status as an orphan (according to international and U.S. laws). Case studies of agency practices will be covered with first person accounts, as well as insight from agency personnel and government representatives. Attendees will have a greater understanding
of what resources are available to them and ways to evaluate agency promises and performance. Register Here

*Webinar** 3: April 8, 7-8:30PM EST*
*"The Hague Convention 1 Year Later: Successes and Drawbacks"*

The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption was ratified by the U.S. in April 2007, after nearly 15 years after signing the agreement. Since then, the U.S.has gone down the path of accrediting adoption agencies and encouraging sending countries to "become Hague." This workshop will give an overview of the Convention's history, incentives for families to adopt from Hague countries, and case studies of the Hague's successes and drawbacks with insight from adoption policy experts and adoption agency personnel. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of how the Hague impacts their adoptions (China, Guatemala, El Salvador, strong potential for Ethiopia and Vietnam). Register

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