Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update on PEAR's Call to Action: Vietnam

In early December, JCICS requested that PEAR put together a list of organizations and individuals we felt JCICS should contact for input on their proposed Standards of Practice for Vietnam Adoptions. We submitted the following list to JCICS on December 6:

Vietnam AP groups:
APV (Adoptive Parents Vietnam Yahoo group) and owners
RateYourVietnamAdoptionAgency Yahoo Group and owners
FCVN (Families with Children from Vietnam)
Nicki & Chris from the Voices for Vietnam Adoption Integrity blog

Adoptee Groups:
adopted vietnamese international
InterAdopt Alliance

Adoptee Groups for APs too:
International-Adopt-Talk Yahoo Group and owners
Global-Adoption-Triad Yahoo Group and owners

Despite their interest in participating in the process, none of the organizations or individuals representative of adoptive parents have been contacted by JCICS for input. PEAR has not received feedback from the adoptee groups and individuals.

PEAR is now highly encouraging all organizations and individuals with an interest in Vietnam adoptions, or international adoption in general, to contact JCICS individually or to offer their input on comments to Ethica Please let your voice be heard!

Gina Pollock
Interim President

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